We produce a wide range of factsheets and brochures that answer common questions about energy providers and our services. Download PDF copies of our factsheets below or download our brochures .
Hot topic factsheets
- Disconnections and restriction of supply
- Estimated bills
- Rebates and concessions
- Rebates and concessions in other languages
- Saving energy and water around the home
- What is my electricity tariff?
- New energy transmission
- Renewable energy infrastructure
Factsheet collection
- High energy bills
- Backbilling
- Changing retailers
- Common hot water systems
- Credit default listing and debt collection
- Living in an embedded network
- FAQs about embedded networks and exempt sellers
- FAQs about transfers to a new energy company (RoLR)
- Energy and water outages
- Essentials for community workers
- Experiencing family violence?
- Help for small business customers
- Helping or representing someone with a complaint
- High water bills
- Life support checklist
- Moving in and out of a property
- Natural disaster support
- Sewer chokes
- Water leaks
- We have referred your complaint to your provider's specialist team
- We're investigating your complaint