Information in other languages

We provide a range of resources in other languages including: 

  • Information on our services in 40 languages
  • Videos in different languages below
  • Translating and interpreting services

Factsheets in different languages

Our easy to understand factsheets in 40 languages include information on how we can help to resolve issues with your energy or water provider, opening/closing accounts and payment assistance. These are available to download below. Find the available languages, download a Plain English version [PDF 770KB] or order factsheets in different languages.

You can also download our multilingual brochure (PDF 500KB)

Videos in different languages

Information on EWON in Mandarin Information on EWON in Arabic

Translation and interpreting services

Community workers can request a translation of the factsheet for a group. For more information phone (02) 8218 5250 or email us.

If you'd like to talk to us, call 1800 246 545. Please let us know when you call that you need an interpreter. We use the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)

Our website also uses Google Translate, a free language translation service, as an aid. Please note translation accuracy will vary across languages.

Download translated factsheets

The following factsheets are available to download as PDF files.

Amharic Kurdish (Sorani)
Arabic Lao
Armenian Macedonian
Armenian Nepali
Bengali Portuguese (Brazillian)
Bosnian Punjabi
Chaldean Russian
Chinese (simplified)


Chinese (traditional) Serbian
Croatian Somali
Dari Spanish
Dinka Swahili
English Tagalog
French Tamil
Greek Thai
Hindi Tibetan
Indonesian Tongan
Italian Turkish
Karen Urdu
Khmer Ukrainian
Korean Vietnamese


Download translated Rebates and Concessions factsheets

Vietnamese Arabic Chinese