Green energy options

Green energy options plus the wide range of energy contracts/offerings/discounts can be confusing. Most electricity retailers offer green energy options. Green energy tariffs usually cost more because they are supporting the development of new renewable energy facilities.

We have received complaints from consumers:

  • who have been pressured by a marketer to ‘do the right thing’ and take up a contract with a green energy component
  • who have been told by a marketer that they will not be paying more to ‘go green’, but then receive a higher bill than before
  • who want to go green but will have to pay a termination fee to cancel their existing non-green contract
  • who have signed for offers such as energy saving globes then found they also signed a contract and their account was transferred without their consent
  • who are confused about what they are actually paying for.

Tips for consumers

  • You do not have to take up the option of green energy. Green energy is worth supporting, however, it may not be an affordable option for you at the moment. If you do not take up a green energy option, you will still get electricity supplied.
  • If you want to go green, you do not have to sign a market contract. Check with your standard retailer to see what green energy options they offer as part of your standard contract.
  • Consider the extra cost and what you can afford. Energy price increases come into effect 1 July each year. Some customers in financial difficulty may find the additional cost of green energy too much.
  • Look for GreenPower accredited products. These products are audited by NSW government and the reports are available on the Greenpower website. Non-accredited ‘green’ tariffs are not audited by the GreenPower Accreditation Program, and their claims to ‘greenness’ are therefore untested.