High airconditioning bill for embedded network customer

Zhang Wei contacted us with a complaint about a high air conditioning bill. He had recently moved out of an apartment within a residential complex, that was an embedded network

Zhang had received a bill for $1,753.76 for air conditioning services covering an 8 month period. He had contacted the embedded network retailer and was told that the bill was based on actual meter data. He did not believe he had used over $200 a month in air conditioning.

We contacted the retailer to get more information about the billing. It advised that the bill related to centralised services, including air conditioning and potable hot water heating services. It confirmed that these services were both metered.

After conducting a review of the account, it identified that Zhang Wei was overcharged for air conditioning services by 192kWh, or approximately $40.

Outcome: the retailer offered to credit Zhang Wei’s account with $50 to resolve the complaint, which we accepted.

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