High bill for electric car user

Mr Abbasi purchased an electric car and signed up for his energy provider’s $1 per day electric car plan. He then received what he thought was a high bill, given his normal usage patterns. The bill also showed he was on a different plan.

His provider advised him he would need to install a new meter before the plan could be put in place. The new meter was installed and Mr Abbasi was advised that he would receive a credit for the difference between the car plan tariff and the amount he had been charged.

When this did not occur, he called his provider three times in two weeks and was told that someone from the electric car team would call him about his issue. When again he did not hear back, he contacted us.

Outcome: the provider applied a credit of $800 to Mr Abbasi’s account, and confirmed he was now on the correct energy plan. The cost of installing the new meter was not charged to him.

This was the first complaint to EWON involving an electric car.

An electric car at a charging station