Making a complaint
EWON Interaction Principles
- Expectations for energy and water providers
Expectations for energy and water providers
Providers must comply with our Complaint Handling Manual, obligations outlined in the Constitution and Membership Agreement. We expect all representatives of energy and water providers to make their staff aware of (and to comply with) the EWON Interaction Principles.
Informing customers about dispute resolution
Providers must inform customers about their internal complaint handling services. EWON’s Constitution requires members to inform customers that EWON offers a free complaints resolution service providing independent advice and assistance.
Information about your business
It is essential to the effectiveness of our services that providers supply us with information to help us manage your membership and resolve customer complaints, such as:
- briefings and other relevant background information about your organisation and customers
- contact details for the people we contact for complaint handling, escalated complaint handling, systemic issues, membership management and billing and invoicing.
Working with us to resolve complaints
EWON has policies and procedures in place to ensure dispute resolution staff deal with complaints in a timely, fair, efficient and effective way. Providers are expected to participate in our processes by:
- understanding and complying with our case management procedures
- responding to referrals
- facilitating the training and orientation of staff about the role and activities of EWON
- complying with any Binding Decision made by the Ombudsman
- agreeing to meet with us to discuss any issues relating to our complaints including complaint volumes and issues, systemic issues, complaint handling processes and contact arrangement
- consenting to EWON providing to a relevant government Minister, agency or regulator information concerning your organisation.
In their interactions with EWON and customers, we expect providers and their representatives to work with us and:
- deal with complaints fairly and promptly, and respond without unnecessary delay
- pay legitimate claims without the need for external dispute resolution, including where there is clear liability and wrongdoing
- provide all information to EWON relevant to the complaint within set timeframes
- proactively participate in the complaint resolution process
- where appropriate, consider a broad range of possible remedies including providing explanations and apologies
- carry out any settlement reached and implement Binding Decisions promptly
- reasonably co-operate with EWON.