Meeting the expectations of these principles

If EWON is not meeting the principles 

If you're not happy with the service you've received from us, please contact us. Complaints give us valuable feedback and an opportunity to review and improve our communication and processes. You can make complaints about

  • jurisdictional decisions 
  • case closure 
  • privacy 
  • operation of EWON 
  • case management.  


If parties are not meeting the principles 

EWON will act in accordance with all the tools available to us, including the complaint handling manual, to ensure that complaints are dealt with efficiently and effectively. If you fail to provide information when we request it, we may draw an adverse inference. 

We may stop engaging with a party in exceptional circumstances. This includes if a party refuses to engage with our process or displays conduct contrary to these principles. If we think you are not meeting the standards, we will raise this with you.

Energy and water providers




Where a provider behaves inappropriately, we will escalate the matter and may place restrictions on the way we have contact with the provider. In severe circumstances, we may take steps in line with our Constitution to terminate the provider's membership or refer it to the appropriate authorising/regulatory body.








Where a customer behaves inappropriately or fails to provide information, we may:

  • communicate with them only by phone or in writing

  • require the customer to appoint a representative with whom we can communicate

  • continue looking at a complaint subject to further criteria (for example, providing more information)

  • close the complaint or otherwise exclude the customer.


Where a representative (paid or unpaid) behaves inappropriately, or against the customer’s best interests, we may:

  • communicate with the representative only by phone or in writing

  • deal only with the customer directly, including communicating only with the customer

  • close the complaint or otherwise exclude the representative.