Redfern Community Assist Day

Worried about the cost of living? We’ll be in Redfern on 21 July with community and not-for-profit services to help with legal, financial, energy and water issues. Enjoy a free sausage sizzle and a chat.

We can help:

  • review and explain your bill
  • check your rebate entitlements
  • talk to your retailers about outstanding issues 
  • resolve complaints
  • help set up payment plans  
  • provide information on bill comparisons and how to save energy in your home and reduce your bills. 

What to bring:

  • current electricity and gas bills
  • past bills and letters from providers 
  • concession cards.

We'll be joined by:

Stay tuned for the complete list of exhibitors!

When: Friday 21 July 2023
Time: 10am - 2pm
Where: on Gadigal Land, National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE), 180 George Street, Redfern NSW 2016

Huge thanks to Oz Harvest for supporting this event and the Redfern Community by providing hot food.