The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) today called on energy businesses to put customers first during the COVID-19 global health crisis.
Their Statement of Expectations of Energy Businesses sets out ten principles which they expect businesses to follow during this time, to ensure customers are protected.
They include:
- that energy retailers offer affordability or hardship arrangements to all customers in financial stress, even if they don't meet the usual criteria
- no disconnection of any residential or small business customers in financial stress before 30 June 2021
- deferring referrals to debt collection agencies, or credit default listing until 30 June 2021
- waiving disconnection, reconnection and/or contract break fees and daily supply charges for small businesses that have ceased operation, during any period of disconnection until 30 June 2021.
Read more and download the full statement from the AER website.
The Statement of Expectations expires on 30 June 2021 unless you are subject to a COVID-19 stay-at-home order.