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EWON update
- Exempt sellers and networks guidelines
Exempt sellers and networks guidelines
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released their revised Network Service Provider Registration Exemption Guideline and Retail Exemption Selling Guideline in March 2018. The guidelines require exempt networks and exempt sellers servicing residential customers to become members of EWON.
Exempt entities operate embedded networks. They are private electricity networks that serve multiple premises through a transmission system with one ‘parent connection point’ in the National Electricity Market. Embedded networks pay to receive energy from the grid which they on-sell back to individual customers.
Examples of embedded networks are found in residential parks, caravan parks, retirement villages, apartment blocks and shopping villages.
At present, EWON’s jurisdiction allows us to receive and investigate complaints from embedded network customers but they are not required to be members of EWON. The revision to the AER guidelines mean that from 1 July 2018, exempt entities will be required to become members of EWON when we are in the position to take them on. This means that we will continue to resolve complaints from residential customers about exempt entities, however, as members they will be bound by our decisions. We are in the process of reviewing our structures to accommodate the change to our jurisdiction.
We anticipate that new members will be able to join from 1 July 2018. If you are an exempt entity and would like to know more about the changes or want to enquire about becoming a member of EWON, email members@ewon.com.au.