Energy Consumers Australia launches PowerCall tool

Independent consumer body, Energy Consumers Australia (ECA), has launched a new online tool to help consumers contact their retailer to see if they're on the best energy deal available.

The PowerCall tool takes users through the steps they need to take to contact their provider to ask if they're on the best deal. Users are provided with their retailer's contact details and the questions they should ask their retailer's customer service representative.

Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW, Janine Young, welcomes the tool and says it's a big step forward in simplifying what can be a daunting task for many consumers. "We always suggest that consumers get in touch with their current retailer to make sure they're on the best deal available, before considering changing providers. This new tool from ECA offers a straightforward and easy way for people to seek this information."

If customers are unhappy with their retailer's offer, they can independently compare all retailer offers at no cost using the Australian Energy Regulator’s price comparator, Energy Made Easy

“People should know that when using other price comparators, they may not include all deals on offer and therefore, provide the best price available,” Ms Young said. 

Customers can contact EWON at any time for free, independent advice.