This month EWON is celebrating Multicultural March and Harmony Day by attending several events for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. With 610 customers who contacted our office in 2016/2017 identifying as a CALD consumer, raising awareness of our service amongst these communities is an important part of our outreach work and ensures we offer equity and access for all consumers.
Our regular Bring Your Bills Days and information sessions give customers the opportunity to sit down and talk to an EWON staff member about billing issues, payment arrangements, rebates and much more, often with the assistance of an interpreter. In 2016/17 complaints were received from customers whose preferred language is:
- Arabic (123)
- Mandarin (89)
- Vietnamese (53)
- Korean (45)
- Cantonese (45)
- Turkish (20)
- Greek (20)
- Farsi (20)
- Spanish (17)
- Dinka (17)
- Russian (9)
- Burmese (9) and numerous other languages
This month you can meet EWON at Arncliffe and Eastwood information events, or come along to one of our monthly Bring Your Bills days at Mt Druitt and Blacktown. Read more information about these events or RSVP for an event here.
If you would like EWON to participate in your community event or provide a presentation to staff, interagency or another group please contact Narelle Brown at