Annual Report launched

The 2020/2021 Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW Annual report is now available. This Annual Report, Listen, Engage, Act includes interactive complaints dashboards which allow customers and stakeholders to take a deep dive into our complaints data. Check out trends in your local area. 

During the last financial year, we connected with consumers facing COVID-related challenges and continued our Outreach to vulnerable communities both in person, virtually and through targeted social media campaigns, reaching over 900,000 customers. Read our highlights: 

We launched our first Reconciliation Action Plan

We made a successful national rule change request to the Australian Energy Market Commission – the first for an Ombudsman scheme 

We doubled our community engagement by delivering 588 events online and in person, and our social media campaigns reached 880,000 consumers   

We launched our new Spotlight On Reports alerting government and stakeholders to the systemic issues we see in our complaints data.