Summary of complaint activity Jan-Mar 2021

Complaints received this quarter decreased by 7.1% to 3,803 (down from 4,092), due to decreased complaints from electricity and gas customers. The single biggest fall in complaint issues was a significant drop in disputed high bill complaints. The restrictions on various credit activities associated with the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Statement of Expectations which is in place until 30 June 2021 underpins the decline in complaints. 

Infographic showing summary of electricity gas and water complaints. Stats included below.

Electricity: Total electricity complaints were 2,881 falling 9.5% compared to the previous quarter’s 3,184. The 2,626 electricity retail complaints we received represents an 8.7% decrease on last quarter’s 2,875 complaints. Network complaints fell by 23.2%, with 205 complaints compared to 267 in the previous quarter. 

Gas: At 699, overall gas complaints were 3.6% lower compared to 725 complaints received in the previous quarter. The number of gas retail complaints received during the quarter (647) decreased by 4.9% compared with the previous quarter (680). The number of gas network complaints (43) increased by 13 from the last quarter. 

Water: We received 186 water complaints this quarter, 29 more than last quarter. 

The graph below shows complaints received in Jan-Mar 2021 compared with the previous quarter.

Graph showing complaints compared with previous quarter

Table 1 provides detailed information about the number of complaints received from January to March 2021 compared to the previous four quarters. 

Table 1 – Complaints opened January to March 2021, including the previous four quarters 

Case subject Provider type Jan-Mar 2021 Oct-Dec 2020 Jul-Sep 2020 Apr-Jun 2020 Jan-Mar 2020
Electricity Exempt retailer 17 10 21 12 14
Electricity Network 205 267 251 259 368
Electricity Retailer 2,626 2,875 3,149 2,658 3,457
Electricity Not allocated 33 32 33 63 101
Electricity total   2,881 3,184 3,454 2,992 3,940
Gas Exempt retailer 0 0 0 0 0
Gas Network 43 30 50 21 31
Gas Retailer 647 680 673 520 658
Gas Not allocated 10 15 16 10 8
Gas total   699 725 739 551 697
Non-energy/ non-water Not allocated 36 26 24 15 22
Non-energy/ non-water total   36 26 24 15 22
Water Network 60 47 44 74 85
Water Retailer 101 80 92 99 129
Water Not allocated 25 30 20 18 24
Water total   186 157 156 191 238
Grand total   3,803 4,092 4,373 3,749 4,897