Complaint core issues

For the top core issues, including the previous four quarters, click here.

Since 2019, the average cost of electricity has decreased steadily with the application of the Default Market Offer. Additionally, energy customers experiencing financial difficulty due to the COVID-19 pandemic received extra support from energy retailers and government. As COVID-related restrictions have eased, we have seen an economic recovery and low national unemployment rate. Given these medium-term trends, it is understandable that complaints about high bills and credit issues are down at the start of 2022. 

While the end of statewide restrictions has been good for our immediate economic outlook, other local and global trends - such as accelerating inflation and a potential increase to wholesale energy costs - are likely to impact household budgets and the trend in complaints numbers may reverse.

It is also unsurprising to see an increase in complaints about estimated bills. The COVID-19 pandemic delayed or stopped meter reading activities by electricity networks and metering providers. As providers catch up on meter reading, increased complaints about estimated readings and backbills are likely. 

In October 2021, two-day switching was also introduced to the electricity market, alongside the ability for retailers to transfer customers based on an estimated meter reading. These new procedures have raised new complaint issues and may affect the number of estimated bill complaints we receive overall (see the below section on two-day switching).

For the top 10 issues, including the previous four quarters click here.