2018 Submissions Month/Year
AER: Draft Network Registration Exemption Guideline 01/2018
AER: Performance Reporting Procedures and Guidelines 02/2018
AER: Draft Retail Pricing Information Guidelines  03/2018
AEMC: AEMC Consultation Paper - Preventing discounts on inflated energy rates  04/2018
ARCA: Proposed variations to the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014  04/2018
ACCC: Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry 05/2018
AER: Benefit Change Notice Guidelines 05/2018
Fair Trading NSW: Complaints Register Guidelines Review 05/2018
AEMC: Advance notice of price changes 05/2018
IPART: Water Utility Performance Indicators Review 05/2018
AEMC: Strengthening protections for consumers in hardship 06/2018
NSW Upper House: Select Committee on Electricity Supply, Demand and Prices 06/2018
AEMC: Estimated meter reads 06/2018
AEMC: Metering installation timeframes 07/2018
IPART: Review of metering practices 08/2018
AEMC: Advanced notice of price changes 08/2018
IPART: 2019 Review of the Sydney Water Operating Licence 08/2018
NSW Fair Trading: Easy and Transparent Trading - Empowering Consumers and Small Business 08/2018
AEMC: Estimated meter reads 09/2018
NSW Department of Planning & Environment: Consultation Paper: Changes to the NSW Social Programs for Energy Code 09/2018
AEMC: Review of the regulatory frameworks for stand-alone power systems 10/2018
AEMC: Strengthening protections for customers in hardship 10/2018
AEMC: Metering installation timeframes 10/2018
Energy Charter: Development of the Energy Charter 10/2018
IPART: Draft Report Retailers’ metering practices in NSW 11/2018
AEMC: Consultation paper - National Electricity Amendment (Meter installation – advanced meter communications) Rule 2018 11/2018
NSW Fair trading: Easy and Transparent Trading - empowering consumers and small business 12/2018
AER: Standardised statements for use in customer hardship policies 12/2018
AER: Default market offer price, November 2018 12/2018