2022 Submissions Month/Year
Joint submission with EWOQ and EWOSA on Draft Better Bill Guideline to the Australian Energy Regulator Jan 2022
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources: Post-Implementation Review – Competition and Consumer (Industry Code – Electricity Retail) Regulations 2019 Feb 2022
Information and Privacy Commissioner - Review of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 consultation paper Feb 2022
NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment - Promoting innovation for NSW energy customers Feb 2022
Australian Energy Regulator - Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy Feb 2022
Joint submission with EWOQ and EWOSA to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on Protecting Customers Affected by Family Violence Mar 2022
Australian Energy Regulator - Draft Retail Exemption Guidelines Apr 2022
IPART - Hunter Water Operating Licence Apr 2022
Legislative Assembly Committee on Law and Safety - Embedded networks in NSW Jul 2022
Australian Energy Regulator authorisation and exemption review - expanding jurisdiction for the harmonisation project Jul 2022
Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) draft rule determination - Protecting Customers Affected by Family Violence (joint submission with EWOSA and EWOQ)   Aug 2022
Energy Security Board - Data Strategy Initial Reforms Consultation Paper June 2022 Aug 2022
Energy Security Board - Response to Electric Vehicle Smart Charging - Issues Paper Aug 2022
IPART Delivering customer value: Draft Water Regulatory Framework Aug 2022
Draft Water Industry Competition (General) Regulation 2022 Nov 2022
Australian Energy Regulator (AER) Draft Network Exemption Guidelines  Dec 2022
Joint submission with EWOSA, EWOV and EWOQ to the Federal Department of Social Services on Financial Counselling Industry Funding Model Dec 2022
Joint submission with EWOSA and EWOQ on Australian Energy Regulator (AER) Review of consumer protections for future energy services Dec 2022