Your responsibilities

Opening and closing accounts

It is your responsibility to let the electricity, gas and water retailer know when you move in or out of a property.

Access to your meter

You are required to provide meter access to your electricity, gas or water company so that you can be billed accurately. Common problems with meter access are locked gates or the presence of an unrestrained dog. However, your supplier must physically read your meter at least every twelve months. If the supplier cannot access your meter and needs to make an appointment with you, they may charge a special meter reading fee.

Where access to the meter is not possible, your supplier may estimate your bills. You may be able make other arrangements such as reading the meter yourself to avoid estimated bills.

NSW Fair Trading has provided this information on meter access for owners and tenants in a strata scheme

Paying your bills on time

You are required to pay your bills on time, or you may face disconnection or debt recovery action by your retailer.

Paying arrears owing

Retailers may be entitled to transfer an old debt to your current account. The retailer may also refer the debt to a collection agency. If you believe that a debt should not have been transferred, speak to your retailer or contact us.