Urth Energy customers to face account transfer

Electricity retailer, Urth Energy, was suspended from the National Electricity Market on 2 February 2017. All Urth Energy customers will be transferred to new retailers under the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Retail of Last Resort (RoLR) scheme.

RoLR arrangements were established by the NSW Government, which works with the designated retailers and independent market operators to ensure that:

  • affected customers continue to receive supply
  • customers who currently receive a rebate continue to be paid the rebates.

Urth Energy’s NSW customers will automatically be transferred to the designated retailers of last resort, depending on where they are.

  • Customers in the Endeavour Energy or Essential Energy distribution area will be transferred to Origin Energy. 
  • Customers in the Ausgrid distribution area will be transferred to EnergyAustralia.

The new retailers are not obliged to charge the same price for electricity as the customer paid Urth Energy. Customers will be placed on a standard retail contract set by the retailer, which may cost more than customers were paying previously. Affected customers should visit the Australian Government’s free price comparator website Energy Made Easy or shop around to make sure they are getting the best deal available. 

Customers who impacted should expect their designated retailer to contact them to discuss the automatic transfer and the options available to them.  It is important that customers check their concession arrangements have been transferred to their new account. 

If customers experience problems with the transfer they can contact EWON for assistance.