Resources for customers
Problems with your energy or water provider?
- Worried about being disconnected?
Worried about being disconnected?
Struggling to pay your bills and worried about being disconnected?
Don’t wait any longer. Contact your provider as soon as you can so your debt doesn't get bigger. They can help you.
In NSW all electricity and gas companies have to by law offer you support if you’re struggling to pay your bills. These are called hardship or affordability programs. They can work out a payment plan and help you access government rebates and other assistance so you can get on top of your bills.
Remember, you can’t be disconnected if you’ve spoken to your retailer and are on a payment plan. So get in touch with them today. Learn more about disconnection and your rights.
We've got your back
If you’ve complained to your provider and you’re not happy with their response, let us know.
We’re an independent industry Ombudsman. Electricity, gas (and some water) companies are required to be our members. We can help by investigating your complaint, and finding a resolution that is fair and reasonable.
There’s no cost to you – our service is free.
Want to know more?
Learn more about when suppliers can disconnect you and your rights. There’s also support if you need help paying your bills.